How do I know if I’m a candidate for CoolSculpting?

How do I know if I’m a candidate for CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive technique for permanent fat reduction in areas of localized fatty fullness with patients who are not markedly overweight (within 30 lbs of your ideal weight).  CoolSculpting can help both women and men get rid of those stubborn bulges for good. The fat freezing technique can reduce approximately 20 % of the fat cells in a treatment area and you can expect to see visible changes in as little as 6 – 8 weeks.  Best of all, there is no down time after treatment, so you won’t have to alter your normal work or exercise activities. Areas that can be considered for treatment include, under the chin, arms, abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), fullness under the bra line of the back, as well as the inner and outer thighs.  Treatments are generally well tolerated and are performed in a very comfortable setting in our office. To obtain the best results, patients are encouraged to participate in an ongoing exercise routine and to practice dietary watchfulness.

Having your Coolsculpting evaluation at a board certified Plastic Surgeons facility will prove to be very beneficial since our highly qualified and well trained staff are experts on all techniques for body contouring.  This will ensure a more meaningful and thorough evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting.  In the event it is determined CoolSulpting would not meet your goals or expectations, other options for body contouring, such as liposuction or abdominoplasty can be discussed.

At Pinehurst Plastic Surgery Specialists, if you are a good CoolSulpting candidate, we will work with you to create an appropriate Treatment to Transformation plan designed to address your specific concerns with a complete explanation of costs.  Give us a call today for more information and to schedule your no cost CoolSculpting consultation.

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